Beat the Heat with a Cool Garage Door
When the warm weather arrives, we’re all about keeping our homes cool to give us a respite from the heat. But, one thing a lot of people forget about is how to keep their garage cool. If your garage is attached to your house, then this could be a major way that unwanted heat is getting into your home. Or, if you or your kids spend time in the garage, then you’ll want to keep it cool and comfortable.
You might not want to install air conditioning in your garage because you don’t spend as much time in it compared to your home, but there are other ways you can help to keep your garage cool when the temperatures rise. Your garage door plays a big part in keeping cool air in and hot air out. If your garage door isn’t cutting it, then here are a few ways you can upgrade it to keep your garage cooler.
An insulative garage door isn’t just for keeping your garage warm in winter, it also helps to keep the hot air out in the summer. Having your garage door properly insulated or buying an insulative garage door can help to keep your garage cool inside.
Cooling materials
The material you choose for your garage door can make a difference to how cool your garage is inside. Metals like steel and aluminum are poor insulators, but they can have insulation added to them. Fiberglass is another popular choice for garage doors, but is not a good insulator. Wood is generally a better insulative material than steel and fiberglass.
Light colored paint
Even a seemingly cosmetic change can make a difference to the internal temperature of your garage. If your garage door is a dark color, then it will absorb the heat more readily. The same way as we feel hotter if we wear black clothes on a sunny day. If your garage door is dark, then painting it a lighter color will help it to reflect the heat rather than absorbing it.
Proper maintenance
Any damage to your garage door can lead to gaps that let the heat in and the cool air out, so it doesn’t matter how insulative your garage door is if it hasn’t been maintained well. Make sure you get a regular tune-up for your garage door to make sure there is no damage or faults, and to make sure the weather proofing around the door is intact to keep it all sealed up.
Is it time to upgrade your garage door for summer? Contact us at Carolina Garage Door for garage door services and products in The Piedmont Triad.