Does Your Garage Door Need an Entry Keypad?

Electronic door openers have made it so much easier and more convenient to get in and out of the garage. With a simple click of a button on your remote control, you can start opening and closing your garage door. Keeping the remote in your car as you exit or enter the garage means you can even start opening the door as you drive up to it.

Although they are popular, garage door opener remotes are not the only option for a secure and convenient way to open your garage door. Many households choose an entry keypad, either instead of or as well as a remote control. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of garage door entry keypads to help you make your mind up.

The pros of a garage door keypad

One of the biggest benefits of an entry keypad is that it’s always going to be there affixed to the wall. You don’t have to figure out where you left your keys or the remote control, and you don’t have to worry about losing these things. You can just go to the garage and enter your keycode.

Keypads are also a good option for families who all need access to the garage. You don’t have to have a spare key cut for each person or worry about your kids losing their keys. As long as everyone knows the code to your keypad, everyone can get in when they need to.

Entry keypads can also be much more secure than remote access or traditional key entry. As long as you keep your code a secret, no one else should be able to access your garage.

Potential cons of entry keypads

While you don’t have keys or a remote to carry around, you do still have to remember a code for your entry keypad. If you forget this code, then you could end up locked out and having to call a professional garage door technician to recode your keypad. Try to choose a secure code that you will remember or keep a note of it somewhere safe.

Also, as with any electronic garage door opening systems, an entry keypad depends on electricity. If you have a power outage, then the keypad will usually be rendered useless. Make sure you know how to open your garage door manually in case of an emergency.

In some situations, using a remote control to open your garage door may be more convenient. But the keypad has many of its own benefits. So, it can be useful to have both a remote and a keypad coded for your electric garage door opener, that way you always have one as a backup in case you misplace your remote or forget the code.

If you want to add this upgrade to your garage door or need a garage door tune-up around Winston Salem, Greensboro, Kernersville, and High Point, then get in touch today.